My skills

Desire to learn

I make a point to go out of my way to learn new things, be it through various online courses (Coursera, Swayam etc.) or self studying through books.

Programming skills

I am skilled with programming in Mathematica (Advanced plotting, computations, ML), Python (NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, ML), IBM SPSS, some basic SQL, and of course LaTeX.

Research projects

I love learning by the process of making projects. Keep scrolling to see some of the best projects I've done.

Some of my best projects


A Look at Reciprocal Multifactorial Constants

Abstract: This project is an indepth analysis of a special set of infinite series called the reciprocal multifactorial series. We define it, prove a general closed form formula for the series, derive asymptotic approxmations for the constants, and even prove a closed form formula for a Generalized Reciprocal Multifactorial Series.


Calculating mathematical constants using Monte Carlo simulations

Abstract: This project primarily serves to showcase Monte Carlo simulations. We first derive the naïve Monte Carlo estimator for numerical integration. Following which we use Monte Carlo simulations to estimate a few well known mathematical constants. Variance reduction techniques and Quasi-Monte Carlo integration will be examined at the end.


[Ongoing] Maths Reivsion Cheat Sheets

I make well designed revision cheat sheets for each of the upper level maths courses I take. I have currently done four sheets, Group theory, Ring & Field theory, Complex Analysis and Galois theory. However more are on their way.


A Machine Learning Classifer built in Mathematica

This is a simple machine learning classifier built using mathematica. The data it used was US housing data, to predict if pets are allowed in your home. The code is general purpose and is easily modified for more sophisticated objectives.